Vietnam’s Void Dreamers hosts Lu Nation!

International scenes in gloving continue to flourish!

Over the weekend Void Dreamers from Vietnam held a gloving competition called “Lu Nation” with Akky (Scott Jund) taking first place in the 1vs1 category and team Mentos, Akky, Raven, Thang won the Showcase category.

To follow more of Void Dreamers and the Vietnam scene follow their Facebook Page!

Void Dreamers Facebook Page

BUWAS? What is it? | Trade Online with other glovers!
Bless Us With a Show AKA BUWAS do’s and don’ts

Don’t interrupt a show. Don’t feel obligated to ever give a show. If your not feeling it don’t force it. Don’t look away during a show. Don’t pull out your phone during a show. Don’t flow past two drops. (make the viewer ask for more)(Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.)(Lightning Edition: unless requested to do so) Don’t brag, be humble. Don’t ever give up mid show, innovate and improvise and end the show completely. Don’t ever record the viewers face without their consent. Don’t without consent jump into another lightshow and start doing a double.

Do Mute and Turn off your cam when a show is going or joining the BUWAS Chat initially. Do ask for feedback. Do ask to learn or be taught. Do ask about teams/tags/fams and what they are all about. After BUWAS or in text chat/DMs. Do ask before recording a lightshow. Do you and have fun.